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Captain F. S.
(Ex HMS Exeter) Chief (G.I.) Chapman |
His Medal
DEAR BILL Bill Says: If you can help Phil, please contact him at My Dad - Cyril Tripp |
21ST SEPT 1940 - 6TH FEB 1941
My Father won this middleweight boxing medal at HMS St George, Isle of Man. He did not rate any of his campaign medals, he used to keep them in an empty jam jar on the top shelf of our larder. BUT his prize item was his boxing medal, He said he won it on his own merit. When asked about his medals by a young lad (me), I used to comment that he was a hero to have all those medals, his answer was " Everyone was a hero in those days"
I asked him as a lad how he won his boxing final, in true Dad form he told me the other guy he was boxing kept hitting below the belt. The referee warned the other guy but he still persisted, and was disqualified. You can believe that story if you want. I don’t.